10 DAY SUMMER CAMP PACKAGES...HURRY!!! Big Discount Now Through May 31, 2025


When you purchase a 10-session camp package, you have the ability use your 10 camp days towards any Sparkle Inspo camp session within the Summer Camp Timeframe. We have three packages, 1) Morning Camp Package; 2) Afternoon Camp Package; 3) Full Day Camp Package.  Whichever package you choose to purchase, you can redeem your 10 days towards that camp session on any camp day during the entire Summer Camp timeframe beginning June 2nd and ending August 8th.

*Please note that this package can be split between two or more kids and days can be booked on same day. So if you have two or more children, all of your children can share a package.


Morning Session (9am-1pm)-10 Sessions: Reg. $500  Sale $425 (You Save $75 off regular price today through May 31, 2025)

Afternoon Session (1:30-4p)-10 Sessions: Reg. $350 Sale $300 (You Save $50 off regular price today through May 31, 2025)

Full Day Session: (9am-4pm)-10 Sessions: Reg. $850 Sale $725 (You Save $125 off regular price today through May 31, 2025)

Once you purchase the package, please notify us at least a week in advance of the camp days you'd like to redeem your days towards.  Please note that these packages are non-refundable.  Days cannot roll over to other programs, however, you can pay the additional upgrade cost to upgrade your package to another session for the same discount you originally received (for instance if you purchased the afternoon session you are able to upgrade to the morning or full day for individual days).

kids jewelry making camp