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Seniors Benefit From Jewelry Making

It’s never too late to start expressing yourself creatively. Practicing art can help you stay more active, social, and healthier, no matter what art form you choose. That’s why Sparkle Inspo is dedicated to providing Jewelry Making as an art form that can help to improve the quality of life in older adults.

Making bead bracelets and necklaces is a great activity to practice motor skills and gives you a sense of accomplishment. The act of picking up beads and inserting them onto a cord or string utilizes hand-eye coordination and strengthens your finger grasp. At Sparkle Inspo we provide large beads with larger beading holes, so seniors won’t have a hard time grasping the beads and inserting them onto the string. We also use tiger tail beading wire which acts almost like a needle, making it easier to bead jewelry.  In addition to larger beads and proper beading wire, we use toggle clasps so they will be able to easily put their jewelry on by themselves.  We offer the option to make easy to wear toggle clasp necklaces as well as easy to put on stretchy bracelets.  All can be as unique as the individual that beads them.

Older adults have better physical and mental health when they feel a sense of control or mastery. We all feel better about ourselves and our lives when we’re good at something important to us. That’s why Sparkle Inspo is dedicated to making jewelry making easy and fun!

Improve Cognitive Skills

In addition to protecting mental and emotional health, Jewelry Making also helps seniors avoid a cognitive decline. Jewelry making can help improve cognitive skills because seniors will need to decide what color, pattern, and style of bracelet or necklace they want to make. With Sparkle Inspo, we always have a large selection of bead shapes and colors and beautiful samples to provide beading inspiration.

beaded necklace

Bead Weaving

beaded necklace

beaded necklace

Step By Step Instruction and Helpful Tips and Tricks